Books Online
Sutton and Barto. Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction. Covers Markov decision processes and reinforcement learning.
CVPapers - Computer Vision Resource
Computer Vision Conferences by USC IRIS
[CVPR] IEEE Internationl Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
[ICCV] IEEE Internationl Conference on Computer Vision
[ECCV] European Conference on Computer Vision
[NIPS] Neural Information Processing Systems Conference
[SIGGRAPH] International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques
[MICCAI] Inter. Conf. on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention
[ACCV] Asian Conference on Computer Vision
[BMVC] British Machine Vision Conference
[WACV] IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision
[ICIP] IEEE International Conference on Image Processing
[ICPR] Internationl Conference on Pattern Recognition
[TPAMI] IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
[IJCV] International Journal of Computer Vision
[TIP] IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
[TCSVT] IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology
[TMI] IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
[CVIU] Elsevier Computer Vision and Image Understanding
[PR] Elsevier Pattern Recognition
[IVC] Elsevier Image and Vision Computing
[SPL] IEEE Signal Processing Letters
Other Labs
Robotics & Computer Vision Lab., KAIST, Korea
Computer Vision Lab., Seoul National University, Korea
Vision Lab., Stanford University, US
Computational Vision Lab., CALTECH, US
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab., MIT, US
Computer Vision Group, UC Berkeley, US
Vision Lab., UCLA, US