Beta-Sigma VAE: Separating beta and decoder variance in Gaussian variational autoencoder
Seunghwan Kim, Seungkyu Lee
International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) , 2024
Joint-Temporal Action Segmentation via Multi-Action Recognition
Usfita Kiftiyani, Seungkyu Lee
International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) , 2024
Revisiting the Effectiveness of 3D Object Recognition Benchmarks
Hyunsoo Song, Seungkyu Lee
IEEE Access
MaterialNet: Multi-scale Texture Hierarchy and Multi-view Surface Reflectance for Material Type Recognition
Dongjin Lee, Hyun Cheol Kim, Jeongil Seo, Seungkyu Lee
33rd British Machine Vision Conference Proceedings, BMVC 2022
Internal-External Boundary Attentions for Transparent Object Segmentation
Dongshen Han, Seungkyu Lee
ACM SIGGRAPH Asia (SIGGRAPH Asia Poster), 2022
Class specific biased extrapolation of images in latent space for imbalanced image classification
Suhyeon Jeong and Seungkyu Lee
SPIE Electronic Imaging, 2022
INDeeD: Identical and disparate feature decomposition from multi-label data
Tserendorj Adiya and Seungkyu Lee
SPIE Electronic Imaging, 2022
Continual Learning with Neuron Activation Importance
Sohee Kim, Seungkyu Lee
International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, 2021
Class Balanced Sampling for the Training in GANs
Sanghun Kim, Seungkyu Lee
ACM SIGGRAPH Asia (SIGGRAPH Asia Poster), 2021
Occlusion Robust Part-aware Object Classification through Part Attention and Redundant Features Suppression
Sohee Kim, Seungkyu Lee
ACM SIGGRAPH Asia (SIGGRAPH Asia Poster), 2021
Deep Color-Normal Residual Networks for Geometry Refinement Extracting Color Consistency and Fine Geometry
Min Geun Park, Seungkyu Lee
ACM SIGGRAPH Asia (SIGGRAPH Asia Poster), 2021
Material Type Recognition of Indoor Scenes via Surface Reflectance Estimation
SeokYeong Lee, Dongjin Lee, Hyun-Cheol Kim, Seungkyu Lee
IEEE Access
Biased Extrapolation in Latent Space for Imbalanced Deep Learning
Suhyeon Jeong, Seungkyu Lee
Machine Learning in Medical Imaging (MICCAI Workshop), 2021
Unrealistic Feature Suppression for Generative Adversarial Networks
Sanghun Kim and Seungkyu Lee
Continual Learning with Neuron Activation Importance
Sohee Kim and Seungkyu Lee
Learning Individual Class Representation from Biased Multi-label Data
Tserendorj Adiya, Seungkyu Lee
IEEE Access
Cross Sample Similarity for Stable Training of GAN
Jungeun Lee, Seungkyu Lee
Segmented Organ Specific Image Enhancement for Improved Lesion Classification
Dongwook Shin, Seungkyu Lee
IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI Abstract), 2021
Object-Wise Video Editing
Ashraf Siddique and Seungkyu Lee
Applied Sciences
Deep Spatio-focal Network for Depth from Focus
Sherzod Salokhiddinov and Seungkyu Lee
Journal of Imaging Science and Technology
Iterative refinement of uniformly focused image set for accurate depth
Sherzod Salokhiddinov and Seungkyu Lee
Applied Sciences
Sub-clusters of Normal Data for Anomaly Detection
Gahye Lee and Seungkyu Lee
Mode Penalty Generative Adversarial Network with adapted Auto-encoder
Gahye Lee and Seungkyu Lee
Surface IR Reflectance Estimation and Material Recognition using ToF Camera
SeokYeong Lee, Seungkyu Lee
International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) , 2020
JT-MGCN: Joint-temporal Motion Graph Convolutional Network for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
Suekyeong Nam, Seungkyu Lee
International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) , 2020
Decision Boundary Re-sampling in Imbalanced Learning for Ulcer Detection
Changhoo Lee, Dongwook Shin, Junki Min, Jaemyung Cha, Seungkyu Lee
IEEE Access
Realistic haptic rendering of hyper-elastic material via measurement-based FEM model identification and real-time simulation
A Abdulali, Ibragim Atadjanov, Seungkyu Lee, S Jeon
Computers & Graphics
IR Surface Reflectance Estimation and Material Type Recognition using Two-stream Net and Kinect Camera
SeokYeong Lee, HwaSup Lim, SangChul Ahn, Seungkyu Lee
Measurement-based Hyper-elastic Material Identification and Real-time FEM Simulation for Haptic Rendering
A Abdulali, Ibragim Atadjanov, Seungkyu Lee, S Jeon
ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, 2019
Perceptually Maximized Light Ray Synthesis with Only Two-Layered Light Field Display
Ibragim Atadjanov, Seungkyu Lee
Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 2019
Feature Space Extrapolation for Ulcer Classification in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Images
Changhoo Lee, Junki Min, Jaemyung Cha, Seungkyu Lee
IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2019
Translucent Surface Detection by Raycasting through Multiple Depth Images
Seungpyo Ha, Seungkyu Lee
ACM SIGGRAPH Asia (SIGGRAPH Asia Poster), 2018
GAN with Autoencoder and Importance Sampling
Gahye Lee, Seungkyu Lee
ACM SIGGRAPH Asia (SIGGRAPH Asia Poster), 2018
Hunting Out Graphic Images from Real images using Recurrent Neural Network and Extended Principal Color Components
Gahye Lee, Seungkyu Lee
ACM SIGGRAPH Asia (SIGGRAPH Asia Poster), 2018
PPConv: Polypod Convolution for 3D Point Cloud Description
Hyunsoo Song, Seungkyu Lee
ACM SIGGRAPH Asia (SIGGRAPH Asia Poster), 2018
Motion Regeneration using Motion Texture and Auto-encoder
Sookyeong Nam, Seungkyu Lee
ACM SIGGRAPH Asia (SIGGRAPH Asia Poster), 2018
Robustness of reflection symmetry detection methods on visual stresses in human perception perspective
Ibragim R. Atadjanov, Seungkyu Lee
IEEE Access
Rotation Symmetry Object Classification using Structure Constrained Convolutional Neural Network
Seunghwa Yu, Seungkyu Lee
International Symposium on Visual Computing, 2018
Depth from Focus for 3D Reconstruction using Iteratively Building Uniformly Focused Image Set
Sherzod Salokhiddinov, Seungkyu Lee
ACM Special Interest Group on GRAPHics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH Poster), 2018
RGBD Camera based Material Recognition via Surface Roughness Estimation
Jungjun Kim, Hwasup Lim, Sang Chul Ahn, Seungkyu Lee
IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2018
Video Inpainting for Arbitrary Foreground Object Removal
Ashraf Siddique and Seungkyu Lee
IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2018
2017 ICCV Challenge: Detecting Symmetry in the Wild
Christopher Funk, Seungkyu Lee, Martin R. Oswald, Stavros Tsogkas, Wei Shen, Andrea Cohen, Sven Dickinson and Yanxi Liu
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshop (ICCV-W), 2017
Novel view synthesis from two cartoon face drawings
Hojin Choi, Seungkyu Lee
ACM Special Interest Group on GRAPHics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH Poster), 2017
Dual-layered light field display: maximizing image perceptibility
Ibragim R. Atadjanov, Seungkyu Lee
ACM Special Interest Group on GRAPHics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH Poster), 2017
Vertebrae localization in CT using both local and global symmetry features
Kijung Kim, Seungkyu Lee
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 2017
Joint Detection of Translucency and Depth Using a Time-of-Flight Camera
Seungkyu Lee
Journal of Imaging Science & Technology, 2017
A remote display QoE improvement scheme for interactive applications in low network bandwidth environment
QT Ngo, LM Abu, XQ Pham, Seungkyu Lee, EN Huh
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2017
Surface Reflectance Estimation and Segmentation from Single Depth Image of ToF Camera
Seungkyu Lee, Jungjun Kim, Hwasup Lim, Sang Chul Ahn
Elsevier Image Communication, 2016
Reflection Symmetry Detection via Appearance of Structure Descriptor
Ibragim Atadjanov, Seungkyu Lee
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) , 2016
Recovering Translucent Objects using a Single Time-of-Flight Depth Camera
Hyunjung Shim, Seungkyu Lee
IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT), 2016
Human Body Volume Recovery from Single Depth Image
Jaeho Yi, Seungkyu Lee, Sujung Bae, Moonsik Jeong
International Symposium on Visual Computing, 2015
Instant Body Volume Reconstruction for Human Body Measurement
Jaeho Yi, Seungkyu Lee, Sujung Bae, Moonsik Jeong
Global 3D Tech Forum, 2015
Skewed Stereo Time-of-flight Camera for Translucent Object Imaging
Seungkyu Lee, Hyunjung Shim
Elsevier Image and Vision Computing, 2015
Dancing with Turks
I-Kao Chiang, Ian Spiro, Seungkyu Lee, Alyssa Lees, Jingchen Liu, Chris Bregler, Yanxi Liu
ACM Multimedia Conference (ACM-MM) , 2015
Dense Femur Reconstruction From Two X-ray Images using Generic 3D Model with Twist Correction
Ki-Jung Kim, Seungkyu Lee, Yoon Hyuk Kim
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) , 2015
Bilateral Symmetry Detection Based on Scale Invariant Structure Feature
Ibragim Atadjanov, Seungkyu Lee
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) , 2015
Three-dimensional Patient-specific Bone Shape Reconstruction and Joint Kinematics Quantification using Multiple X-ray Images based 2D/3D Matching Technology
Yoon Hyuk Kim, Kyungsoo Kim, Seungkyu Lee
CAOS Korea, 2014
Hybrid Exposure for Depth Imaging of a Time-of-Flight Depth Sensor
Hyunjung Shim and Seungkyu Lee
OSA Optics Express, 2014
Time-of-Flight Depth Camera Motion Blur Detection and Deblurring
Seungkyu Lee
IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2014
Symmetry Detection from RealWorld Images Competition 2013: Summary and Results
J. Liu, G. Slota, G. Zheng, Z. Wu, M. Park, Seungkyu Lee, I. Rauschert, Y. Liu
IEEE CVPR Workshop on Symmetry Detection from Real World Images (CVPR-W), 2013
Inter-frame consistent multi-frequency phase unwrapping for time-of-flight cameras
Ouk Choi, Seungkyu Lee, Hwasup Lim
SPIE Optical Engineering, 2013
Symmetry-Driven Shape Description for Image Retrieval
Seungkyu Lee
Elsevier Image and Vision Computing, Apr. 2013
Fusion of Time-of-Flight and Stereo for Unambiguous Wide Range Depth Measurements
Ouk Choi and Seungkyu Lee
Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV) , 2012
Automatic Color Realism Enhancement for Computer Generated Images
Hyunjung Shim and Seungkyu Lee
Elsevier Computers & Graphics, 2012
Performance Evaluation of Time-of-Flight and Structured Light Depth Sensors in Radiometric/ Geometric Variations
Hyunjung Shim and Seungkyu Lee
SPIE Optical Engineering, 2012
ToF Depth Camera Accuracy Enhancement
Seungkyu Lee
SPIE Optical Engineering, 2012
Depth camera image processing and applications
Seungkyu Lee
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) , 2012
Wide Range Stereo Time-of-Flight Camera
Ouk Choi, Seungkyu Lee
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) , 2012
Computational Stereoscopic Zoom
Seungkyu Lee, Hwasup Lim
SPIE Optical Engineering, 2012
Light Weight Light Field Capturing
Hyunjung Shim, Tsuhan Chen, Seungkyu Lee
IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, 2012
Curved Glide-Reflection Symmetry Detection
Seungkyu Lee and Yanxi Liu
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), 2012
Automatic Color Realism Enhancement for Virtual Reality
Hyunjung Shim and Seungkyu Lee
IEEE Virtual Reality, 2012
ToF depth image deblurring using 3D blur shape models and motion blur saliency map
Seungkyu Lee and Hyunjung Shim
SPIE Electronic Imaging, 2012
Motion blur-free time-of-flight range sensor
Seungkyu Lee and Byongmin Kang
SPIE Electronic Imaging, 2012
Projective Alignment of Range and Parallax Data
Miles Hansard, Radu Horaud, Michel Amat and Seungkyu Lee
IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2011
Frequency Guided Bilateral Symmetric Gabor Wavelet Network
Seungkyu Lee
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) , 2011
Bi-layer Inpainting for Novel View Synthesis
Hwasup Lim, Yongsun Kim and Seungkyu Lee
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2011
Harmonic distortion free distance estimation in ToF cameras
Byongmin Kang, SeongJin. Kim, Seungkyu Lee and Kichang Lee
SPIE Electronic Imaging, 2011
Skewed Rotation Symmetry Group Detection
Seungkyu Lee and Yanxi Liu
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), 2010
Symmetry Group Extraction from Multidimensional Real Data
Seungkyu Lee
Penn State Univ. Ph.D Dissertation, 2009
Curved Glide Reflection Symmetry Detection
Seungkyu Lee and Yanxi Liu
IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Oral Presentation, 2009
Face Modeling and Tracking with Gabor Wavelet Network Prior
Minwoo Park and Seungkyu Lee
International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2008
Performance Evaluation of State-of-the-Art Discrete Symmetry Detection Algorithms
M. Park, Seungkyu Lee, P. Chen, S. Kashyap, A. Butt, Y. Liu
IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2008
Rotation Symmetry Group Detection Via Frequency Analysis of Frieze-Expansions
Seungkyu Lee, Robert Collins and Yanxi Liu
IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2008
A Quantitative Evaluation of Symmetry Detection Algorithms
Pochen Chen, James H Hays, Seungkyu Lee, Minwoo Park and Yanxi Liu
CMU-RI-TR-07-36, RI, CMU, 2007
Shape Variation-based Frieze Pattern for Robust Gait Recognition
Seungkyu Lee, Yanxi Liu and Robert Collins
IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2007
Video for Mobile and Handheld Devices: Design and Implementation of the Korean T-DMB System
Seungkyu Lee, Chunsub Kwak, and Silvia Scolan
International Broadcasting Conference, 2004
A Study on the Rate Control of Rate-Distortion Optimized Low Bit Rate Video Coder
Seungkyu Lee
KAIST, MS Dissertation, 1999
A Study on Simplex Audio and Video Communication through Multicasting Method
Seungkyu Lee
KAIST, BS Dissertation, 1999